St Lucia
13°58.08'N - 61°03.06'W - Marigot Bay
14°04.90'N - 60°58.16'W - Rodney Bay
Marigot Bay and Rodney Bay
To visit Marigot Bay and Rodney Bay
We made an overnight passage up past St Vincent (having been warned not to stop there as yachts were being borded and robbed), direct to St Lucia. A good sail and in the morning we saw the pitons (center picture above) that are on the South West of St Lucia. First call was into Marigot Bay (something we had always wanted to do since we have visited the place on a holiday some years earlier). Marigot Bay is a very concealled bay in that the entrance is very hard to spot. It is said that French ships would sail deep into the bay and hide behind the sand spit to escape the British Fleet. They would lower their sales and tie palm fronds to their masts to blend the ships into the palm trees (see the illustration below). After a two day stay in Marigot, we then headed up to Rodney Bay at the top West End of the island, another great sail, and we anchored in the Bay over near to Pigeon Island beach.
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