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The Wonderful Island Of Bermuda

Many of our friends made the passage to Bermuda within parts of the notorious Bermuda Triangle. Luckily our Southeasterly course from Beaufort, Carolina, meant we only entered the Triangle at the Bermuda end, on our voyage to this paradise island.

Beaufort had been a really good place to sit and wait for a weather window from Herb. When it came, we headed out to anchor for the night in the anchorage behind Lookout Bight, Cape Lookout, and set off for Bermuda early the next morning. Set some 634 nautical miles out in the North Atlantic from Cape Lookout, our course of 103 degrees magnetic took us to the Southwest tip of Bermuda. This Island has to be one of the most beautiful places on this planet.

We lifted the anchor at ?????????? on the ???????????? and motored out and down past Cape Lookout and it's shoals. Once clear we set our course for the Westernmost tip of Bermuda. On board were myself, friend Ernie and his girlfriend Caren. Not a great sail unfortunately, we encountered a great deal of thunder and lightening along the way, however, we plodded on and reached the Western tip of Bermuda some 5 days later. We waited until daylight to transit between the mainland and the Challenger Bank coral reef and then we rounded up to the Northwest to head direct for the leading marks that form the safe entrance line through the Town Cut and into St George's Harbour.

Looking down on the island the entrance to Georgetown is at the top right and it is a wonderful, almost fully enclosed bay with lots of space for anchoring (not a lot of quay space for tying up alongside though).

Here in this wonderful paradise of an island, we met up again with Jim & Sharon (and the kids) on Wendreda, Tony on Tarnimara and Alan on Cheal. This is also where we first encountered Anne, Philip, Annalieze and Jabez on Abracadabra

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