Though the Round Table family started here in the United Kingdom, it soon developed to become a worldwide organisation.
Hard times economically and in the methods needed today to live normal lives, has meant that there is a decline in the number of young men and women who are able to spare the time or have the desire to join such organisations.
However, at this time there are still numerous Tablers and Circlers who firmly believe in the approach of 'friendship and service to the community', hence there are still many many Tables and Circles around the world.
International Nights
Another wonderful joint venture with our Ladies, International Night meant that each table came to the venue as a specific theme, for example our first International Night Toddington went as Vikings. This meant that our stall and the food we served had to be similar to Viking dwellings and food. At the end of each night there is a section where each Table puts on some kind of show, in our case the girls around the camp fire and we 'Vikings' racing on with our 'rape, rape, pillage, pillage, we are the Vikings from Toddington Village'
Some of the efforts are really special. One Table had the Chinese Theme and, at the end, their whole stall came apart and became a dragon and they danced around with it as you see if you watch Chinese New Year celebrations, quite spectacular.
One of the other stalls was dismantled and became an Outrigger Canoe (on wheels of course) with the ladies in South Sea Island Native Dress pretending to paddle it, whilst the lads pushed the canoe around the hall, brilliant.
The Vikings From Toddington Village - 1973 Hemel Hempstead
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